Example Organizations Countries
Radar monitoring on the Strait of Messina Terna Italy
Protocolo Avifauna - Bird protection on distribution lines SPEA, E-REDES, Quercus, LPN, INCF Portugal
PAS System for Bird-Friendly Grid EVN Bulgaria
Objective Osprey RTE France
Birds and electricity transmission lines: mapping of flight paths Red Eléctrica de España Spain
Man-made nest programme Mavir Hungary
Autonomous IoT device to repel birds from power lines Iberdrola, Energiot Spain
Nesting boxes for endangered birds in Austria APG, BirdLife, WWF Austria
Mainstreaming soaring birds' conservation in energy sector in Jordan BirdLife, Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN)
Bird-safe energy infrastructure promoted internationally through the Great Ethiopian Run Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS), BirdLife Africa, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) Ethiopia

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