Example Organizations Countries
Naturaleza en RED - Vegetation Management under transmission lines Red Eléctrica de España, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Spain
Nature-Inclusive Design Pilots EirGrid Ireland
Mainstreaming soaring birds' conservation in energy sector in Jordan BirdLife, Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN)
Joint initiative for stone reef reconstruction in the German Baltic Sea 50Hertz, WWF Germany Germany
Ecological line maintenance in a nature reserve NABU, BUND Germany
Site Wind Right tool The Nature Conservancy USA
Pastoreo en red – Grazing under high voltage lines Red Eléctrica de España, Agrovidar Spain
Nature+Energy Nature+, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Maynooth University (MU) Ireland
TransMit BirdLife, MAVA Foundation, Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)
Alerta Tendidos Foundation "Friends of the Iberian Imperial Eagle, Iberian Linx and Private Natural Areas" Spain

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