Early and proactive cooperation with local authorities






In the Randstad380 project, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and TenneT pursued a proactive approach in involving local authorities. Before the written application for licences was handed in, they spoke with all authorities and reached an oral agreement on all points included in the application.


Main information:

Meetings and involvement focused on two points:

  1. Give information: Explaining the different aspects of the project, such as the need, process, procedures, and critical issues like EMF or undergrounding
  2. Receive information: Gather information needed for routing like the actual spatial plans, local knowledge, future spatial developments, and interests


Even though the Ministry of Energy theoretically has the power to overrule local authorities, this authority was never implemented with this participatory approach. The relationship is thus more sustainable and serves future projects.

Aside from the meetings organised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, TenneT held regular one-on-one meetings with authorities to discuss relevant questions and mutually report on the current planning status. 


RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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