Red Eléctrica de España
EntreREDes (Education from Childhood Towards a Sustainable Energy Model and Responsible Consumption) is a digital education platform which acts as a question and answer game that allows children to work out concepts related to the function, needs and challenges of the energy system in a playful and entertaining manner.
Main information:
The project aims to educate school aged children about how the electricity system works, with the goal of helping the society to make informed decisions, encouraging dialogue and citizen participation as adults. The game, developed by the Spanish TSO Red Eléctrica is teaching children the responsible use of energy, and giving them information on renewable energy and smart grids. The tool developed together with experts and teachers is the first of its kind in the Spanish market. It does not need internet to be played and it is available for PC, iOS and Android. Moving forward, questions may be translated into English to allow for a broader audience and another dimension of learning.