Example Organizations Countries
WiseGRID - Wide scale demonstration of integrated solutions and business models for the European smart grid 21 partner project consortium Italy, Belgium, Spain, Greece
Virtual Power Plant Next Pool Next Kraftwerke Germany
Round Tables on technical matters Terna Italy
Citizen Conferences RTE France
Public involvement during grid development plan 50Hertz, TenneT Germany
SoLAR Allensbach - Intelligent Energy Sector Coupling Easy Smart Grid GmbH, Community of Allensbach – Local Agenda 21, International Solar Research Center ISC Konstanz e.V, European Institute for Energy Research EIfER Germany
FutureFlow Mavir, ELES, APG, Transelectrica Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Austria
Large-scale grid flexibility FLEXITRANSTORE Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Slovenia, Cyprus, Belgium
COMPILE: Integrating Community Power in Energy Islands Laboratory of Energy Policy at the University of Ljubljana Slovenia
EMPOWER Smart Innovation Norway A/S Norway

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