Wildbees population is slowly declining due to the lack of rough pastures and areas with thriving plant species. This reduces their food options and nesting possibilities. To increase their population, Swissgrid supports the creation of various habitats and expanding areas under powerlines to provide nesting sites.
About the Project
More than 600 wildbee species can be found in Switzerland. Over a third of the bee species in Switzerland are known to collect pollen exclusively from one plant species. Therefore, they can only exist in areas where the right type of flowers are in abundance. Rough pastures are home to various plant species, but are in decline. This threatens the natural habitat of various species, including the dwindling wildbee population.
Swissgrid has set out few measures to increase the wildbee population near their substations. Where necessary, measures are taken to prevent the land from being overgrown with scrub. The piles of sand and stones protect and strengthen the nesting sites. This also provides a home for weasels and other larger species.