BirdLife, Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN)
Jordan’s Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) established a national online database to monitor and mitigate migratory bird collisions and electrocution around energy infrastructure. This platform encourages wind energy project planning that supports ecological requirements and bird conservation.
Main information:
Jordan’s energy strategy has prioritised solar and wind power. The new wind energy projects are located along the Great Rift Valley – one of the most important bird migratory flyways in the world, used by millions of birds, including threatened species. The process assessed priority bird species, developed the monitoring plan and adopted shutdown-on-demand protocols (116 shutdowns have been carried out to date). A national energy committee was also established, to ensure implementation of national guidelines throughout the wind industry. RSCN is developing a similar approach for powerlines and carried out a survey in 2019, with a first memorandum of understanding signed in 2020.
As of Summer 2022, the RSCN has concreted and expanded their collaboration for better bird protection around the electricity grid. They have so far signed two Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with electricity companies and are in the process of finalising a third.Furthermore, they are in the process of produce a national guideline and regulations for bird electrocution with Ministry of Environment and have established a national database for bird electrocution to identify hot spots areas for electrocution with electricity companies. In addition, they have developed a regional curriculum for bird electrocution and carried out the first training for three days in a Nature Academy for all relevant stakeholders including private sector governance.
Additional information:
RSCN is an NGO devoted to the protection of Jordan’s biodiversity and natural resources, and the Jordanian partner of BirdLife.
This practice was the winner of the 2020 'Good Practice of the Year' award for the category of Enviromental Protection.