50Hertz Maintenance Plan for Mahlpfuhler Fenn






The Integrated Vegetation Management Plan of 50Hertz involves a maintenance plan in the EU protected area/FFH area “Mahlpfuhler Fenn” in north of Madgeburg. As a bird sanctuary and natural reserve, the area consists of diverse biotopes, wet meadows, ponds, as well as valuable trees and bushes. 50Hertz mapped various species such as pong frogs, great crested newt, natterjack, green toad, red-backed shrike, etc. In order to optimally protect the valuable habitat and reconcile nature with their power lines, they selectively clear certain types of trees and replacing them with low growing willow shrubs. This helps clear obstacles for the powerlines while preserving the biodiversity around.


  • Pruning methods are used to carefully cut back willow bushes & protect old alder stands.
  • Dams are built from natural materials obtained from the conservation area to improve accessibility.
  • Laying natural log paths to increase access.
  • Creating 'forest edges' from existing tree formations.

About the Project

As part of the project approval process, 50Hertz conducts environmental impact assessments (EIA) which help minimize actions which could undermine nature conservation. It develops a care plan for special conservation areas by implementing an extensive annual maintenance plan instead of rare and intensive measures. The IVM maintenance plan is undertaken with the cooperation of the nature conservation authority in Stendal for an optimised vegetation management along the grid.

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.