FLEXITRANSTORE aims to develop a next generation power system flexibility platform, enhance simulation tools and demonstrate innovative grid-flexibility technologies to improve the flexibility resources of the pan-European transmission system. The platform focuses on the integration of Southeast Europe markets, boosts the establishment of a liberalised electricity market and encourages relationship building and knowledge sharing among industry players in the region.
• Accelerate the integration of renewables and increase cross-border electricity flows
• Increase flexibility across the energy industry value chain, in transmission, from renewable generators and within wholesale electricity markets
About this practice:
FLEXITRANSTORE’s approach targets the entire energy industry value chain by focusing on flexibility infrastructure, capabilities of demand side response, improved operations, flexible generation and the integration of storage to accelerate RES integration and increase cross border flows from a market and system perspective. Flexibility resources utilised as part of FLEXITRANSTORE include battery energy storage systems, power flow controllers, active substation controllers, dynamic line rating technology, as well as wholesale market demonstration and clearing. Convincing testing phases have already led to non-consortium TSOs wanting to pilot the solutions within their systems.