Mavir, ELES, APG, Transelectrica
To open balancing and redispatching markets to new competitive sources of flexibility, four Central-Eastern European TSOs (ELES from Slovenia, APG from Austria, Mavir from Hungary and Transelectrica from Romania) have designed a unique regional cooperation scheme, FutureFlow.
• Provides Europe-wide solutions for automatic frequency restoration reserve (aFRR) balancing and redispatching services, including distributed and renewable resources
• Integrates the aFRR markets of 4 European TSOs via a system where virtual power plants would provide flexibility to TSOs on a common aFRR market platform
About the Practice:
This practice aims to respond to Europe's low carbon strategy by gathering relevant experts (energy producers, retailers, grid operators) to create a flexibility scheme. This scheme targets the integration of renewable energy sources and a wide range of demand response sources and is practically and economically viable for wide usage. So far, prototype aggregation platforms for aFRR and a prototype regional balancing and redispatching platform with Common Activation Function (CAF) for aFRR have been developed and successfully tested. Furthermore, the activation results were evaluated, and all involved parties made constant system improvements resulting in a near market-ready system.