





EU-SysFlex is a project run by a consortium of 34 partners from 15 European countries with a view to creating a roadmap to address future system operation challenges associated with the integration of 50% renewables into Europe’s electricity grid by 2030, in order to ensure stability, reliability and resilience, for example through flexibility, market and system services. The project is led by the Irish TSO, EirGrid.


• Thousands of simulations and analyses carried out to identify future system–wide scarcities associated with the EU renewable ambition.
• Eight demonstration projects and qualification trail process, demon-strating flexible technology capability across sectoral layers as well as cross-border data management and exchange.
• Creation of a flexibility roadmap and implementation guidelines for Europe.

Main information

On the road to decarbonisation, there will be significant challenges for power system operators and electricity markets and new technologies and approaches will be vital. Recognising that collaboration will be essential, for example to deliver on sector-coupling and increased consumer involvement, this consortium of of 34 of TSOs, DSOs, aggregators, technology providers, academic and research institutes and consultancies, perform diverse tasks which seek to identify system-wide long-term needs, unlock technological flexible capability and enhance TSO/DSO cooperation and European scale data interoperability and standardisation. The practice has both a top-down approach: analysing system needs to find solutions and provide recommendations and assistance; and a bottom-up approach: demonstrating technology capability of systems and developing future support tools.

RGI gratefully acknowledges the EU LIFE funding support:

EU LIFE funding support Logo

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the LIFE Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.