Amprion developed a comprehensive communication approach for the routing of the interconnector project “ALEGrO” linking Belgium and Germany.
Main information:
The Aachen Liège Electricity Grid Overlay (ALEGrO) is an HVDC under-ground cable link with a bidirectional rated power of 1.000 MW and the first interconnection between Belgium and Germany. Its objective is to enhance market integration by enabling direct power exchanges between Belgium and Germany.
Given the project’s importance, Amprion implemented a proactive and interactive information strategy as well as a participation concept before and during the formal proceedings of the planning approval procedure. The public, communities and associations were informed early and comprehensively about the project. All of them received regular background information via various channels and were informed about the proposed routes in a timely manner, thus giving them the opportunity to provide feedback. Amprion provided the public with the opportunity to contribute in finding the best route for the cable via an online participation platform. On the platform, comments concerning the overall project and/or specific information, requests or proposals with regard to the routing could be given. The information received was used to adapt the routing of the cable accordingly. Overall, the communication campaign encompassed six information and dialogue events for public bodies as well as six additional information and dialogue events for the public, four digital newsletters and two bulk mailings.
The approach might possibly have led to a longer planning phase, but contributed to early, transparent and continuous information. It should contribute significantly to a better support during the approval procedures and therefore will save time in the long run. As of today, there are no protests against the project.
Additional information:
Amprion GmbH operates a transmission system with the voltage levels of 380 and 220 kV. With approximately 1100 employees, Amprion is managing a length of around 11,000km and some 160 substations between Lower Saxony and the border to Switzerland and Austria.