The German climate and environment organization Germanwatch closely followed the implementation of a new legislation on transmission grid planning and participated actively in expert discussions on the methodology for transmission grid planning and a stable political framework to support the next steps for an increase of renewable energy in Germany.
Main information:
In 2011, the German government introduced a new procedure for transmission grid planning, which provides extended possibilities for public participation. Based on a scenario framework on future power generation and consumption, a ten-year grid development plan is annually drafted by German TSOs and approved by the central permitting and regulatory agency. The NGO Germanwatch made substantial efforts in contributing to this planning procedure by numerous means, including the participation in expert workshops, the development of position papers and the publication of a handbook for local stakeholders who would like to participate in the planning processes of new power lines. To come up with recommendations for grid operators and policymakers, Germanwatch has been in continuous interaction with other stakeholders on European, national and local level.
Together with other German NGOs, Germanwatch was extraordinarily vocal in supporting those power lines that they consider necessary for the transformation of the electricity system. One outstanding example for this effort is a press release in support of north-south transmission lines in Germany published in collaboration with NABU, WWF and DUH.
Additional information:
Germanwatch e.V. is an independent development and environmental organisation. Their mission statement focuses on the active promotion of North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods through observation, analysis and action. Therefore, Germanwatch e.V. focuses on the energy and climate politics and economics of the North with their worldwide consequences.