Eirgrid's DS3 Advisory Council was established in 2011 to provide a forum to discuss the views and concerns of the DS3 Programme’s wide range of stakeholders on issues which impact on the successful implementation of the programme (DS3 = “Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System”).
Main information:
The DS3 Programme was designed to ensure that the power system can be securely operated in the context of meeting Ireland and Northern Ireland’s 40% renewable electricity target by 2020. The DS3 Advisory Council is comprised of experts from academia, industry, other system operators, government and research centres across Ireland, Northern Ireland and Europe and North America.
At the Council meetings EirGrid presents their latest analysis, potential approaches to challenges and high-level progress of DS3. This is supplemented by corresponding industry presentations on matters relevant to DS3. These presentations are essential to both EirGrid and the industry in keeping up to date with progress in the DS3 Programme and any other noteworthy industry movements that may have an impact on the programme’s success. Communication and education play a key role in facilitating the evolution of the wider electricity industry and implementing changes to the way the power system is operated that will ultimately benefit the end consumer.
The DS3 Advisory Council is continuously adapting to remain aligned with industry trends and the needs of the programme. For that reason, the DS3 Programme Office has added new members from niche areas of the industry in order to enhance the Council’s broad depth of knowledge. Separately, the Council evaluates its role and identifies key challenges via an annual review and anonymised risk workshop.
Additional information:
EirGrid plc is a leading Irish energy business, dedicated to the provision of transmission and market services for the benefit of electricity consumers. EirGrid is committed to delivering high quality services to all customers, including generators, suppliers and consumers, across the high voltage electricity system and via the efficient operation of the wholesale power market. It puts in place the grid infrastructure needed to support competition in energy, to promote economic growth, to facilitate more renewable energy, and to provide essential services.