Terna is one of the main European electricity transmission grid operators. It manages the high voltage Italian transmission grid, one of the most modern and technologically advanced in Europe. It plays a central role in transforming the electricity market towards the use of eco-compatible sources, guaranteeing a secure and efficient supply to households and businesses.
"Terna is the sole operator and owner of the Italian high voltage and very high voltage electricity National Transmission Grid (NTG), managing 72,800 km of power lines. It holds a government license in a regulated monopoly arrangement, with a workforce of over 3,800 people. Terna has the public service mission of securing the transmission and dispatching of electricity throughout the country. With respect for the landscape and local communities, Terna develops and expands the NTG, updating it constantly to the most advanced technological standards, guaranteeing the security of the NTG and adopting operating standards of excellence and innovation models in integrated risk management. Terna is the Italian leader in the Electric Utilities sector according to the evaluation carried out by RobecoSAM, which selects the best companies around the world in the field of sustainability for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability index. This achievement confirms the importance of Sustainability in creating value and the central role of Sustainability in Terna’s investment plans, to the benefit of stakeholders."