TenneT is Europe's first cross-border Transmission System Operator. Integration of the two transmission grids of the German transpower and TenneT from the Netherlands will allow us to take a leading role in Europe. We will continue developing an effectively functioning EU electricity market, to assure the security of supply and support the integration of renewable energy. The new company has 1700 employees, nine branches and approx. 20,000 kilometres of high-voltage connections, making it one of the top 5 transmission system operators in Europe. https://renewables-grid.eu/The coming period we will focus on further integration of the two TSOs to one company.
“Grid extension is an essential precondition for substantive renewable energy integration from both decentralised and utility scale installations. We as TSO's want to invest in the grids the society asks for, therefore we need public acceptance and a supporting investment model for this. Bringing the necessary transformation to the power sector will require strong coalitions across different sectors in society. That's why TenneT is one of the founding fathers of the RGI which provides the necessary platform for relevant stakeholders to foster the necessary developments to enable 100% grid integration of renewables.”