Natuur & Milieu (Nature & Environment) is a Dutch independent environmental organization, committed to creating a healthy environment for all. Their approach is solution-oriented and innovative. They bring together people, business, policy makers, knowledge and ideas to make a difference. They engage in partnerships with green business in order to demonstrate the public and policy makers that sustainable solutions are possible. Their focus is on three fields: Energy, Food and Mobility. Natuur & Milieu is based in the Netherlands but has a strong focus on European policy.
"The consequences of climate change and energy scarcity are distressing. Therefore we need to shift towards a zero-carbon economy and sustainable energy supply as fast as possible. The faster we can make this transition, the larger the environmental, social and economic benefits on the longer term. This transition can only be sustained by expanding and reinforcing our electricity grids. This requires joint forces of TSO’s and NGO’s. The RGI does just that, and has the capacity to become a major catalyst in the energy transition in Europe."