Legambiente is the most widespread environmental organization in Italy with its headquarters in Rome, 20 regional branches and more than 115,000 members. It is acknowledged as an “association of environmental interest” by the Ministry of the Environment; it represents the UNEP National Committee for Italy and is one of the members of EEB (“European Environmental Bureau”), the Federation of European Environmental Organizations and IUCN - the World Conservation Union.
For more info, read our interview with Edoardo Zanchini conducted after Legambiente joined RGI in 2014.
"We are facing huge changes in the energy and climate sectors, therefore we have to intensify the transition to a low carbon economy by way of a model that is based on energy efficiency and renewables. In order to succeed, we need to reshape the energy system, as we know it, by integrating distributed generation with modern and smart grids. We also need new approaches to power plants and infrastructure to ensure nature and ecosystem protection, local community involvement in decisions as well as raised awareness and information dissemination on the changes that are happening. Joining RGI gives Legambiente the opportunity to meet and discuss these issues with important interlocutors such as European transmission system operators and members of the industry and NGO sectors."