Following the motto "Observing, Analysing, Acting", Germanwatch has been actively promoting North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods since 1991. In doing so, Germanwatch focuses on the politics and economics of the North with their worldwide consequences. Germanwatch intends to represent a strong lobby for sustainable development. The NGO endeavours to approach its aims by advocating fair trade relations, responsible financial markets, compliance with human rights, and the prevention of dangerous climate change.
„We will only reach the necessary reduction of CO2 emissions by a massive extension of local renewable energies on the one hand and cross-regional renewable energy resources on the other hand. The expansion of the grid is therefore essential. By following such a strategy – combined with remarkable progress in energy efficiency – we can avoid dangerous climate change and keep global average temperature rise below the science-based danger threshold of 2°C above pre-industrial times. The fast expansion of grid structure and renewable energies allows us to fight jointly against the climate crisis, the economic crisis and the imminent energy crisis."