Created in 2010, Fundación Renovables is a civil society initiative where a number of citizens, some of them well experienced in the energy sector and all of them concerned about the actual energy model and its consequences, work under a common vision: it is urgent to develop a new energy vision in all areas of society and the economy, as the actual model is irrational and unsustainable. The public perceives energy as something abundant, relatively cheap, safe and unlimited, ignoring the social, economical and environmental impacts such as the accelerated progression of the global climate change.
Read more about Fundación Renovables' stance on grids: in English or Spanish.
"The “Fundacion Renovables” (FR) has found in RGI the much needed platform to share experiences, information and best practices and for pooling capacities to contribute to the development of an adequate and sustainable European grid infrastructure for renewable energy at all levels as a main element to assure the aim of the Foundation: the strong development and full penetration of renewable energy, to reach zero emissions in the energy sector as soon as possible and 100% electricity generation based on renewables."