50Hertz operates the electricity transmission grid in northern and eastern Germany and is expanding it in line with demand for the energy transition. Our high-voltage transmission grid has a circuit length of about 10,200 kilometers - that's the distance from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro. The 50Hertz grid area includes the federal states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia as well as the city states of Berlin and Hamburg. In these regions, 50Hertz with its approximately 1,100 employees ensures the round-the-clock power supply of 18 million people. 50Hertz is a leader in the secure integration of renewable energies: More than half of the electricity consumed in our grid area already comes from renewable generation - and the trend is rising. The shareholders of 50Hertz are the Belgian transmission grid operator Elia (80 percent) and KfW Bankengruppe (KfW banking group) with 20 percent. As a European transmission system operator, 50Hertz is part of the Elia Group and a member of the European association ENTSO-E.
50Hertz is currently planning and implementing a number of transmission line projects to strengthen its grid and to better connect Germany with the electricity grids of neighbouring countries. Find out about these projects on 50Hertz' website.
"Despite the fact that we TSOs are responsible for the electricity system, the massive integration of electricity from renewable sources is a challenge we can not successfully master on our own. We need the support and the cooperation with politicians, authorities, market players and civil society. Europe has chosen to go renewable; our role is to set the proper ground to make it possible. 50Hertz has a massive investment programme to develop urgently the grid according to the needs of the next decades. The cooperation with NGOs in RGI helps us ensuring that we keep the right track and that we meet society’s expectations."